Publikationen (seit 2003):
Daly, K. G., Mullin, V. E., Hare, A. J., Halpin, Á., Mattiangeli, V., Teasdale, M. D., Rossi, C., Geiger, S., Krebs, S., Medugorac, I., Sandoval-Castellanos, E., Özbaşaran, M., Duru, G., Gülcür, S., Pöllath, N., Collins, M., Frantz, L., Vila, E., Zidarov, P., Stoddart, S., … Bradley, D. G. (2025). Ancient genomics and the origin, dispersal, and development of domestic sheep. Science (New York, N.Y.), 387(6733), 492–497.
Upadhyay, M., Graf, A., Pogorevc, N., Seichter, D., Russ, I., Krebs, S., Meier, S., Medugorac, I., (2024) Back to the horns: a reconstruction of the ancestral horn state through distinct types of recombination events. bioRxiv,
Upadhyay M., Panchal A., Medugorac I., (2024) Combined Linkage Disequilibrium and Linkage Analysis (cLDLA): implementation of a powerful approach to identify the genetic basis of complex traits in a bioinformatics workflow. bioRxiv,
Lyu, Y., Wang, F., Cheng, H., Han, J., Dang, R., Xia, X., Wang, H., Zhong, J., Lenstra, J. A., Zhang, H., Han, J., MacHugh, D. E., Medugorac, I., Upadhyay, M., Leonard, A. S., Ding, H., Yang, X., Wang, M. S., Quji, S., Zhuzha, B., … Chen, N. (2024). Recent selection and introgression facilitated high-altitude adaptation in cattle. Science bulletin, 69(21), 3415–3424.
Lange, A., Medugorac, I., Ali, A., Kessler, B., Kurome, M., Zakhartchenko, V., Hammer, S. E., Hauser, A., Denner, J., Dobenecker, B., Wess, G., Tan, P. L. J., Garkavenko, O., Reichart, B., Wolf, E., & Kemter, E. (2024). Genetic diversity, growth and heart function of Auckland Island pigs, a potential source for organ xenotransplantation. Xenotransplantation, 31(2), e12858.
Sandoval-Castellanos, E., Hare, A. J., Lin, A. T., Dimopoulos, E. A., Daly, K. G., Geiger, S., Mullin, V. E., Wiechmann, I., Mattiangeli, V., Lühken, G., Zinovieva, N. A., Zidarov, P., Çakırlar, C., Stoddart, S., Orton, D., Bulatović, J., Mashkour, M., Sauer, E. W., Horwitz, L. K., Horejs, B., … Peters, J. (2024). Ancient mitogenomes from Pre-Pottery Neolithic Central Anatolia and the effects of a Late Neolithic bottleneck in sheep (Ovis aries). Science advances, 10(15), eadj0954.
Upadhyay, M., Pogorevc, N., & Medugorac, I. (2024). scalepopgen: Bioinformatic Workflow Resources Implemented in Nextflow for Comprehensive Population Genomic Analyses. Molecular biology and evolution, 41(4), msae057.
Klawatsch J, Papachristou D, Koutsouli P, Upadhyay M, Seichter D, Russ I, Mioč B, Simčič M, Bizelis I, Medugorac I (2023) Genetic basis of ear length in sheep breeds sampled across the region from the Middle East to the Alps. Anim Genet 55:123-133
Pogorevc N, Dotsev A, Upadhyay M, Sandoval-Castellanos E, Hannemann E, Simčič M, Antoniou A, Papachristou D, Koutsouli P, Rahmatalla S, Brockmann G, Sölkner J, Burger P, Lymberakis P, Poulakakis N, Bizelis I, Sinowjewa N, Horvat S, Medugorac I (2023) Whole-genome SNP genotyping unveils ancestral and recent introgression in wild and domestic goats. Mol Ecol 33:17190
Bužan E, Duniš L, Bončina A, Horvat S, Pogorevc N, Brambilla A, Sölkner J, Burger P, Medugorac I, Pokorny B (2023) First Insight Into Genetic Diversity of Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) in Slovenia. Slov Vet Res 2023 : Vol 60 No 3
Signer-Hasler H, Casanova L, Barenco A, Maitre B, Bagnato A, Vevey M, Berger B, Simčič M, Boichon D, Capitan A, Medugorac I, Bennewitz J, Mészáros G, Sölkner J, Drögemüller C, Flury C (2023) Genomic regions underlying positive selection in local, Alpine cattle breeds. Anim Genet 54:239-253
Dachs N, Upadhyay M, Hannemann E, Hauser A, Krebs S, Seichter D, Russ I, Gehrke LJ, Thaller G, Medugorac I (2023) Quantitative trait locus for calving traits on Bos taurus autosome 18 in Holstein cattle is embedded in a complex genomic region. J Milchwissenschaft 106:1925-1941
Klawatsch J, Papachristou D, Koutsouli P, Seichter D, Russ I, Simèiè M, Bizelis I, Medugorac I (2023) Genetic regulation of ear size in Slovenian and Greek sheep breeds.
Pogorevc N, Simčič M, Khayatzadeh N, Sölkner J, Berger B, Bojkovski D, Zorc M, Dovč P, Medugorac I, Horvat S (2023) Genetic diversity and population structure of Slovenian local breed Drežnica goat.
Dachs N, Upadhyay M, Hannemann E, Hauser A, Krebs S, Blum H, Seichter D, Russ I, Gehrke L, Thaller G, Medugorac I (2023) Insight into the most significant quantitative trait locus for calving traits on BTA18 in Holstein dairy cattle.
Lagler DK, Kunz E, Eck K, Seichter D, Russ I, Mendel C, Lühken G, Upadhyay M, Međugorac I (2022)
Fine-mapping of candidate causal genes for tail length in the Merinolandschaf breed.
Deniskova TE, Dotsev AV , Selionova MI, Upadhyay M, Medugorac I, Sinowjewa NA (2022) Characteristics of Dagestan Local Goat Subpopulations (Capra hircus) Based on the Analysis of the Complete Mitogenome Polymorphism.
Lagler DK, Hannemann E, Eck K, Klawatsch J, Seichter S, Russ I, Mendel C, Lühken G, Krebs S, Blum H, Upadhyay M, Međugorac I (2022) Fine-mapping and identification of candidate causal genes for tail length in the Merinolandschaf breed. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03854-3
Curik VC, Novosel D, Brajkovic V, Rota-Stabelli O, Krebs S, Sölkner J, Salamon D, Ristov S, Berger B, Trivizaki S, Bizelis I, Ferencakovic M, Rothammer S, Kunz E, Simčič M, Dovč P, Bunevski G, Bytyqi H, Markovic B, Brka M, Kume K, Stojanovic S, Nikolov V, Zinovieva NA, Schönherz A, Guldbrandtsen B, Cacic M, Radovic S, Miracle P, Vernesi C, Curik I, Medugorac I (2021) Large scale mitogenome sequencing reveals consecutive expansions of domestic taurine cattle and supports sporadic aurochs introgression
Kharzinova V, Dotsev A, Bardukov NV, Deniskova T, Upadhyay M, Krebs S, Kunz E, Medugorac I, Zinovieva NA (2021) PSXII-8 Mitochondrial DNA diversity within domestic reindeer in Russia.
Stirm M, Fonteyne LM, Shashikadze B, Lindner M, Chirivi M, Lange A, Kaufhold C, Mayer C, Medugorac I, Kessler B, Kurome M, Zakhartchenko V, Hinrichs A, Kemter E, Krause S, Wanke R, Arnold GJ, Wess G, Nagashima H, Hrabĕ de Angelis M, Flenkenthaler F, Kobelke LA, Bearzi C, Rizzi R, Bähr A, Reese S, Matiasek K, Walter MC, Kupatt C, Ziegler S, Bartenstein P, Fröhlich T, Klymiuk N, Blutke A, Wolf E. (2021) A scalable, clinically severe pig model for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Upadhyay M, Kunz E, Sandoval-Castellanos E, Hauser A, Krebs S, Graf A, Blum H, Dotsev A, Okhlopkov I, Shakhin A, Bagirov V, Brem G, Fries R, Zinovieva N, Medugorac I. (2021) Whole genome sequencing reveals a complex introgression history and the basis of adaptation to subarctic climate in wild sheep.
Pogorevc N, Simčič M, Khayatzadeh N, Sölkner J, Berger B, Bojkovski D, Zorc M, Dovč P, Medugorac I, Horvat S. (2021) Post-genotyping optimization of dataset formation could affect genetic diversity parameters: an example of analyses with alpine goat breeds.
Upadhyay M, Derks MFL, Andersson G, Medugorac I, Groenen MAM, Crooijmans RPMA. (2021) Introgression contributes to distribution of structural variations in cattle.
Dotsev AV, Kunz E, Kharzinova VR, Okhlopkov IM, Lv FH, Li MH, Rodionov AN, Shakhin AV, Sipko TP, Medvedev DG, Gladyr EA, Bagirov VA, Brem G, Medugorac I, Zinovieva NA. (2021) Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Clarifies Taxonomic Status of the Northernmost Snow Sheep (Ovis nivicola) Population.
Kharzinova V, Dotsev A, Bardukov N, Upadhyay M, Krebs S, Kunz E, Medugorac I, Zinovieva NA (2021) Genetic Characteristics of Wild and Domestic Reindeer Based on the Analysis of mtDNA Cytb Gene <sup>†</sup>.
Allais-Bonnet A, Hintermann A, Deloche MC, Cornette R, Bardou P, Naval-Sanchez M, Pinton A, Haruda A, Grohs C, Zakany J, Bigi D, Medugorac I, Putelat O, Greyvenstein O, Hadfield T, Jemaa SB, Bunevski G, Menzi F, Hirter N, Paris JM, Hedges J, Palhiere I, Rupp R, Lenstra JA, Gidney L, Lesur J, Schafberg R, Stache M, Wandhammer MD, Arbogast RM, Guintard C, Blin A, Boukadiri A, Rivière J, Esquerré D, Donnadieu C, Danchin-Burge C, Reich CM, Riley DG, Marle-Koster EV, Cockett N, Hayes BJ, Drögemüller C, Kijas J, Pailhoux E, Tosser-Klopp G, Duboule D, Capitan A. (2021) Analysis of Polycerate Mutants Reveals the Evolutionary Co-option of HOXD1 for Horn Patterning in Bovidae.
Gehrke LJ, Seichter D, Ruß I, Medugorac I, (2020) Impact of the Friesian POLLED Mutation on Milk Production Traits in Holstein Friesian.
Rodionov AN, Dotsev AV, Fomenko OY, Bakoev NF, Deniskova TE, Shakhin AV, Bagirov VA, Kunz E, Medugorac I, Krebs S, Brem G, Zinovieva NA. (2020) Complete mitochondrial genomes of Karchaev goat (Capra hircus).
Gehrke L, Upadhyay M, Heidrich K, Kunz E, Klaus Halla D, Weber F, Zerbe H, Seichter D, Graf A, Krebs S, Blum H, Capitan A, Thaller G, Medugorac I (2020) A de novo frameshift mutation in ZEB2 causes polledness, abnormal skull shape, small body stature and subfertility in Fleckvieh cattle. Scientific Reports 10:17032
Papachristou D, Koutsouli P, Laliotis G, Kunz E, Upadhyay M, Seichter D, Russ I, Gjoko B , Kostaras N, Bizelis I, Medugorac I (2020) Genomic diversity and population structure of the indigenous Greek and Cypriot cattle populations. Genet Sel Evol. 52:43
Upadhyay M, Hauser A, Kunz E, KrebsS, Blum H, Dotsev A, Okhlopkov I, Bagirov V, Brem B, Zinovieva N, Medugorac I (2020) The first draft genome assembly of Snow sheep (Ovis nivicola). Genome Biol Evol. evaa124
Gehrke L, Capitan A, Scheper C, König S, Upadhyay M, Heidrich K, Russ I, Seichter D, Tetens J, Medugorac I, ThallerG (2020) Are scurs in heterozygous polled (Pp) cattle a complex quantitative trait? Genet Sel Evol. 52:6
Deniskova T, Dotsev A, Lushihina E, Shakhin A, Kunz E, Medugorac I, Reyer H, Wimmers K, Khayatzadeh N, Sölkner J, Sermyagin A, Zhunushev A, Brem B, Zinovieva N (2019) Population Structure and Genetic Diversity of Sheep Breeds in the Kyrgyzstan. Front Genet. 10:1311
Eck K, Kunz E, Mendel C, Lühken G, Medugorac I (2019) Morphometric measurements in lambs as a basis for future mapping studies. Small Ruminant Research 181:57-64
Dotsev AV, Kunz E, Shakhin AV, Petrov SN, Kostyunina OV, Okhlopkov IM, Deniskova TE, Barbato M, Bagirov VA, Medvedev DG, Krebs S, Brem G, Medugorac I, Zinovieva NA (2019) The first complete mitochondrial genomes of snow sheep (Ovis nivicola) and thinhorn sheep (Ovis dalli) and their phylogenetic implications for the genus Ovis. Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 4:1, 1332-1333
Rothammer S, Kunz E, Krebs S, Bitzer F, Hauser A, Zinovieva N, Klymiuk N, Medugorac I (2018) Remapping of the belted phenotype in cattle on BTA3 identifies a multiplication event as the candidate causal mutation. Genet Sel Evol. 50:36.
Deniskova TE, Dotsev AV, Selionova MI, Kunz E, Medugorac I, Reyer H, Wimmers K, Barbato M, Traspov AA, Brem G, Zinovieva NA (2018) Population structure and genetic diversity of 25 Russian sheep breeds based on whole-genome genotyping. Genet Sel Evol. 50:29.
Goeckmann V, Rothammer S, Medugorac I (2018) Bovine spastic syndrome: a review. Vet Rec. 182(24):693.
Ramljak J, Bunevski G, Bytyqi H, Marković B, Brka M, Ivanković A, Kume K, Stojanović S, Nikolov V, Simčič M, Sölkner J, Kunz E, Rothammer S, Seichter D, Grünenfelder HP, Broxham ET, Kugler W, Medugorac I (2018) Conservation of a domestic metapopulation structured into related and partly admixed strains. Mol Ecol. 27(7):1633-1650.
Rothammer S, Kunz E, Seichter D, Krebs S, Wassertheurer M, Fries R, Brem G, Međugorac I (2017) Detection of two non-synonymous SNPs in SLC45A2 on BTA20 as candidate causal mutations for oculocutaneous albinism in Braunvieh cattle. Genet Sel Evol. 49:73.
Cubric-Curik V, Novosel D, Brajkovic V, Krebs S, Soelkner J, Šalamon D, Ristov S, Berger B, Triviziaki S, Bizelis I, Ferenčaković M, Rothammer S, Kunz E, Simčič M, Dovč P, Bunevski G, Bytyqi H, Marković B, Curik I, Međugorac I (2017) Mitogenome contribution of local Aurochs to the modern cattle breeds. Book of Abstracts of the 68th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science: 365.
Simčič M, Žan Lotrič M, Bojkovski D, Ciani E, Međugorac I (2017) Population structure and genetic diversity of Bovec sheep from Slovenia – preliminary results.
Rothammer S, Bernau M, Kremer-Rücker PV, Međugorac I, Scholz AM (2017) Genome-wide QTL mapping results for regional DXA body composition and bone mineral density traits in pigs. Arch Anim Breed. 60:51-59.
Međugorac I, Graf A, Grohs C, Rothammer S, Zagdsuren Y, Gladyr E, Zinovieva N, Barbieri J, Seichter D, Russ I, Eggen A, Hellenthal G, Brem G, Blum H, Krebs S, Capitan A (2017) Whole-genome analysis of introgressive hybridization and characterization of the bovine legacy of Mongolian yaks. Nat Genet. 49:470-475.
Müller MP, Rothammer S, Seichter D, Russ I, Hinrichs D, Tetens J, Thaller G, Međugorac I (2017) Genome-wide mapping of 10 calving and fertility traits in Holstein dairy cattle with special regard to chromosome 18. J Dairy Sci. 100:1987-2006.
Goeckmann V, Rothammer S, Međugorac I (2016) Bovine spastic paresis: A review of the genetic background and perspectives for the future. The Veterinary Journal 216:64–71
Kunz E, Rothammer S, Pausch H, Schwarzenbacher H, Seefried FR, Matiasek K, Seichter D, Russ I, Fries R, Međugorac I (2016) Confirmation of a non-synonymous SNP in PNPLA8 as a candidate causal mutation for Weaver syndrome in Brown Swiss cattle. Genet Sel Evol. 48:21.
Koll S, Reese S, Međugorac I, Rosenhagen CU, Sanchez RF, Köstlin R (2016) The effect of repeated eye examinations and breeding advice on the prevalence and incidence of cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy in German dachshunds over a 13-year period. Veterinary Ophthalmology, doi: 10.1111/vop.12378.
Ćurković M, Ramljak J, Ivanković S, Mioč B, Ivanković A, Pavić V, Brka M, Veit-Kensch C, Međugorac I (2016) The genetic diversity and structure of 18 sheep breeds exposed to isolation and selection. J Anim Breed Genet. 133(1):71-80.
Simčič M, Sölkner J, Kompan D, Međugorac I (2015) Exclusion of admixed animals from Cika cattle in situ conservation program using SNP haplotypes. 66th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 31 August – 4 September, Warsaw, Poland, Book of Abstracts, No. 21:101.
Simčič M, Smetko A, Sölkner J, Seichter D, Gorjanc G, Kompan D, Međugorac I (2015) Recovery of native genetic background in admixed populations using haplotypes, phenotypes, and pedigree information--using Cika cattle as a case breed. PLoS One 10:e0123253.
Broxham ET, Kugler W, Međugorac I (2015) A case study on strains of Buša cattle structured into a metapopulation to show the potential for use of single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping in the management of small, cross-border populations of livestock breeds and varieties. Front Genet. 6:73.
Međugorac I (2015) Indirekte und direkte Diagnostik monogen bedingter Merkmale in der Tierzucht. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 119, Nr. 402:83–94.
Rothammer S, Kremer PV, Bernau M, Fernandez-Figares I, Pfister-Schär J, Međugorac I, Scholz AM. (2014) Genome-wide QTL mapping of nine body composition and bone mineral density traits in pigs. Genet Sel Evol. 46:68.
Rothammer S, Capitan A, Mullaart E, Seichter D, Russ I, Međugorac I (2014) The 80-kb DNA duplication on BTA1 is the only remaining candidate mutation for the polled phenotype of Friesian origin. Genet Sel Evol. 46:44.
Rothammer S, Seichter D, Förster M, Međugorac I (2013) A genome-wide scan for signatures of differential artificial selection in ten cattle breeds. BMC Genomics. 14:908
Allais-Bonnet A, Grohs C, Međugorac I, Krebs S, Djari A, Graf A, Fritz S, Seichter D, Baur A, Russ I, Bouet S, Rothammer S, Wahlberg P, Esquerré D, Hoze C, Boussaha M, Weiss B, Thépot D, Fouilloux MN, Rossignol MN, van Marle-Köster E, Hreiðarsdóttir GE, Barbey S, Dozias D, Cobo E, Reversé P, Catros O, Marchand JL, Soulas P, Roy P, Marquant-Leguienne B, Le Bourhis D, Clément L, Salas-Cortes L, Venot E, Pannetier M, Phocas F, Klopp C, Rocha D, Fouchet M, Journaux L, Bernard-Capel C, Ponsart C, Eggen A, Blum H, Gallard Y, Boichard D, Pailhoux E, Capitan A. (2013) Novel insights into the bovine polled phenotype and horn ontogenesis in Bovidae. PLoS One. 8:e63512.
Bebbere D, Bauersachs S, Fürst RW, Reichenbach HD, Reichenbach M, Međugorac I, Ulbrich SE, Wolf E, Ledda S, Hiendleder S. (2013) Tissue-specific and minor inter-individual variation in imprinting of IGF2R is a common feature of Bos taurus Concepti and not correlated with fetal weight. PLoS One. 8:e59564.
Međugorac I, Seichter D, Graf A, Russ I, Blum H, Göpel KH, Rothammer S, Förster M, Krebs S. (2012) Bovine polledness--an autosomal dominant trait with allelic heterogeneity. PLoS One 7:e39477.
Maxa J, Neuditschko M, Russ I, Förster M, Međugorac I (2012) Genome-wide association mapping of milk production traits in Braunvieh cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 95:5357-5364.
Seichter D, Russ I, Rothammer S, Eder J, Förster M, Međugorac I (2012) SNP-based association mapping of the polled gene in divergent cattle breeds. Animal Genetics, 43:595-598.
Russo V, Fontanesi L, Dolezal M, Lipkin E, Scotti E, Zambonelli P, Dall'Olio S, Bigi D, Davoli R, Canavesi F, Međugorac I, Föster M, Sölkner J, Schiavini F, Bagnato A, Soller M. (2012) A whole genome scan for QTL affecting milk protein percentage in Italian Holstein cattle, applying selective milk DNA pooling and multiple marker mapping in a daughter design. Animal Genetics, 43:72-86.
Međugorac I (2012) SNP-Hochdurchsatzanalysen zur Genkartierung. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 113, Nr. 388:115–130.
Međugorac I, Veit-Kensch CE, Ramljak J, Brka M, Marković B, Stojanović S, Bytyqi H, Kochoski Lj, Kume K, Grünenfelder HP, Bennewitz J, Förster M. (2011) Conservation priorities of genetic diversity in domesticated metapopulations: a study in taurine cattle breeds. Ecology and Evolution 1:408–420.
Awad A, Russ I, Förster M, Međugorac I (2011) Mapping of a milk production quantitative trait locus to a 1.056Mb region on bovine chromosome 5 in the Fleckvieh Dual Purpose Cattle Breed. Genetics Selection Evolution, 43:8.
Seichter D, Russ I, Förster M, Međugorac I (2011) SNP-based Association mapping of Arachnomelia in Fleckvieh cattle. Animal Genetics 24:544-547.
Ramljak J, Ivanković A, Veit-Kensch CE, Förster M, Međugorac I (2011) Analysis of genetic and cultural conservation value of three indigenous Croatian cattle breeds in a local and global context. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 128:73-84.
Edwards CJ, Ginja C, Kantanen J, Pérez-Pardal L, Tresset A, Stock F; European Cattle Genetic Diversity Consortium, Gama LT, Penedo MC, Bradley DG, Lenstra JA, Nijman IJ. (2011) Dual origins of dairy cattle farming--evidence from a comprehensive survey of European Y-chromosomal variation. PLoS One 6:e15922.
Međugorac I, Rothammer S, Russ I, Förster M. (2010) Genome-Wide Mapping of Breed Differences – a Reciprocal Case-Control Design (ID495) 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, August 1–6, 2010, Leipzig, Germany.
Maxa J, Neuditschko M, Förster M, Međugorac I (2010) Whole Genome Association Study In Admixed European Braunvieh Cattle (ID354). 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, August 1–6, 2010, Leipzig, Germany.
Awad A, Russ I, Emmerling R, Förster M, Međugorac I (2009) Confirmation and refinement of a QTL on BTA5 affecting milk production traits in the Fleckvieh dual purpose cattle breed. Animal Genetics 41:1-11.
Međugorac I, Međugorac A, Russ I, Veit-Kensch CE, Taberlet P, Luntz B, Mix HM, Förster M. (2009) Genetic diversity of European cattle breeds highlights the conservation value of traditional unselected breeds with high effective population size. Molecular Ecology 18:3394-3410.
Lipkin E, Straus K, Stein RT, Bagnato A, Schiavini F, Fontanesi L, Russo V, Međugorac I, Foerster M, Sölkner J, Dolezal M, Medrano JF, Friedmann A, Soller M. (2009) Extensive long-range and nonsyntenic linkage disequilibrium in livestock populations: deconstruction of a coenundrum. Genetics 181:691-9.
Međugorac I, Krebs S, Gomeringer V, Hiendleder S, Wolf E and Förster M. (2008) Stillbirth in Cattle: eQTL detection by combined linkage and linkage disequilibrium mapping in an outbreed population. XX International Congress of Genetics, Berlin, Germany, July 12 – 17, 2008.
Krebs S, Međugorac I, Bauersachs S, Hiendleder S, Reichenbach HD, Blum H, Wolf E. (2008) Stillbirth in Cattle: Transcriptome analysis and eQTL mapping reveal candidates for fetal growth regulation. XX International Congress of Genetics, Berlin, Germany, July 12 – 17, 2008.
Bagnato A, Schiavini F, Rossoni A, Maltecca C, Dolezal M, Međugorac I, Soelkner J, Russo V, Fontanesi L, Friedmann A, Soller M, and Lipkin E. (2008) Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Milk Yield and Protein Percentage in a Three-Country Brown Swiss Population. J. Dairy Sci. 91:767–783.
Veit-Kensch CE, Međugorac I, Jedrzejewski W, Bunevich AN, Foerster M. (2007) A heuristic two-dimensional presentation of microsatellite-based data applied to dogs and wolves. Genetics Selection Evolution 39:447–463.
Krebs D, Međugorac I, Röther S, Strässer K, Förster M. (2007) A missense mutation in the 3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase FVT1 as candidate causal mutation for bovine spinal muscular atrophy. PNAS 104: 6746–6751.
Međugorac I, Brka M, Schild H-J, Friedl R, Förster M. (2006) Erarbeitung und praktischer Einsatz einer Methodik zum gezielten Sammeln von Gewebeproben zur QTL-Kartierung und markergestützten Selektion (MAS) bei Fleisch- und Schlachtleistungsmerkmalen im bayerischen Fleckvieh. Züchtungskunde, 78: 415-427.
Scholz AM, Nueske S, Međugorac I, Seichter D, Foerster M. (2006) Effect of the bovine solute carrier/sulfate transporter family 26 (slc26a2) gene on foot and leg traits in growing calves. 8th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, 13-18 August, 2006, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil.
Lipkin E, Straus K, Ela E, Friedmann A, Međugorac I, Fontanesi L, Bagnato A, Dolezal M, Medrano JF, Soller M. (2006) Linkage disequilibrium in four cattle populations. 8th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, 13-18 August, 2006, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil.
Krebs S, Međugorac I, Förster M. (2006) Direkter SMA-Test für die Praxis. Rinderzucht Braunvieh, 3/2006:34.
Krebs S, Međugorac I, Russ I, Ossent P, Bleul U, Schmahl W, Forster M. (2006) Fine-mapping and candidate gene analysis of bovine spinal muscular atrophy. Mammalian Genome. 17:67-76.
Međugorac I, Krebs S, Russ I, Osset P, Bleul U, Grüter O, Förster M. (2005) Erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit beim neuen SMA-Test. CHbraunvieh, 11/2005:34.
Međugorac I, Krebs S, Förster M. (2005) Verbesserte SMA-Testversion aus München, Rinderzucht Braunvieh, 2/2005:30.
Götz KU, Međugorac I, Thaller G. (2005) InfraMAS - eine Initiative zur Einführung einer Genomdatenbank und markerunterstützter Zuchtwertschätzung in Bayern in: Die bayerische Rinderzucht vor neuen Herausforderungen, Bayer. Landesanstalt f. Landwirtschaft (ed), ISSN 1611-4159.
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